Aptus Mycor Mix 100 gram

In den Korb
  • Beschreibung

Bio Shark®Mycor mix enthält ein gemisch von mycorrhizea und speciele unterstutzende Komponenten. Bio Shark®Mycor mix enthält die endo-mycorrhizea die lebt im zusammenhang mit dem gewachses wurzel system. Diesen endo-mycorrhizea verbinden sich mit dem wurzeln durch einem membrame wodurch die gesammtliche nahrstoffen sofort an die wurzel durchgegeben wird. Durch auszetsung des wurzelsystem, the endo-mycorrhizea kann bis zu 700% mehr oberflache erreichen. Verteile den Bio Shark®Mycor mix in den fur die pflanze gemachte offnung und zetsen Sie dan das gewachs. Benutzen Sie den loffel der mit das product mitgeliefert wurde, diesen behalt so um die 1 gram von der Bio Shark®Mycor mix fur ein einfaches gebrauch.

Enlarges root system and facilitates uptake of nutrients

The Mycor Mix enlarges the root system and facilitates the uptake of nutrients. The Mycor Mix contains a mix of various mycorrhizae species. Mycorrhizae are beneficial fungi that connect to the root system. The fine hyphal threads pass nutrients to the root systems and actually enlarge the surface with which plants can absorb nutrients. The use of the Mycor Mix gives visible results during the flowering phase because mycorrhizae increase the uptake of phosphorus. Plants need phosphorus for flowering, an increased uptake of phosphorus will result in bigger flowers. And bigger flowers increase yield. It is easy to see the effects of the Mycor Mix since the product can be applies applied per plant once at the start of the cycle. Treated plants (or rows of treated plants) can thus easily be compared with untreated plants.


Enlarges the root system 7x
Improves uptake of nutrients (especially phosphorus)
100% organic

Tips & Tricks

Mycorrhizae fungi facilitate the uptake of phosphorus. This results in bigger
flowers and increased yield.


Mycor Mix contains a mixture of various species of endo Mycorhyza. There are more types of mycorhyza besides endo mycrohyza, but only endo mycorhyza work for your crop. The mycorhyza are fixed on a mineral carrier that feeds and protects the fungi.

Application and dosage

Straw 1 gram of Mycor Mix once before planting in the plant hole. The Mycor Mix has then direct access to the root system.