Th Seeds

THSeeds: The Beginning T.H.Seeds was established in 1993, making it one of the oldest seed companies in Holland. It began in the C.I.A. (Cannabis In Amsterdam),which was: a Cannabis information center, a world renowned seed shop,the first hemp store in Europe and, according to Robert C. Clarke(author: Marijuana Botany, HASHISH!), "The epicenter of the Cannabis universe." THSeeds quickly gained an excellent reputation among the experienced growers who purchased THSeeds. Year after year, these growers return to buy more THSeeds. Most comment on how pleased they are with the consistency and quality of the THSeeds genetics. This positive feedback from the growers themselves is the solid foundation on which THSeeds has been built. THSeeds is a grower oriented seed company, we seek as much feedback from growers as possible.

THSeeds brings the best American genetics to Holland Since its beginning THSeeds has been on the cutting edge of the New School Cannabis Genetics. Born at a time when almost everything in Amsterdam was a mix of Northern Lights, Skunk and Shiva in various proportions, THSeeds has worked long and hard to bring new stable varieties onto the market. Two of our biggest successes are The Bubble Gum THSeeds was the seed company responsible for bringing the Original Bubble Gum from the States, and was the first to sell the Bubble Gum seeds (see New York Times, Feb. 1994). These Bubble Gum genetics helped numerous Coffeeshops win many High Times Cannabis Cups over the years.
The S.A.G.E
. (Sativa Afghani Genetic Equilibrium) Following the Bubble Gum, THSeeds brought the S.A.G.E. from the high mountains of central California to Holland. Named "S.A.G.E." because of its distinctive spicy smell and taste, this plant's Haze-y flavor and high will fool you into thinking it is a pure Haze variety. But when you grow it you will not experience the low yields of all other Haze varieties. The large yields you get come from the Afghani side, but without overpowering this plant's superior Haze flavor. For two years the THC percentage of the 50 varieties entered by all the coffeeshops and seed companies entered in the High Times Cannabis Cup was established. The S.A.G.E. scored 3rd(1998), and 2nd(1999) highest THC with over 20%.(see lists on page...). Both years this THC ranking was higher then any of the Coffeeshop or Seed Company Cannabis Cup winners! And the one year (1999) the S.A.G.E. water hash was entered in the Cannabis Cup it won again.

T.H.Seeds past Victories:
Cannabis Cup: Kal-X hash laminate takes 3rd place in the hash category
1996 Cannabis Cup: Bubblegum hash micro-chip takes 3rd place in the hash category
1996 HasH Bash: Bubblegum laminated hash takes 2nd place in the hash category.
1998 Cannabis Cup: S.A.G.E. takes 3rd highest THC level with 21% THC. This THC test included all 50 varieties entered including seed companies and coffeeshops giving The S.A.G.E. a higher THC level then any of the Cannabis Cup winners

1999 Cannabis Cup: S.A.G.E. takes 3rd highest THC from all the varieties entered.

1999 Cannabis Cup: S.A.G.E. water hash takes 2nd place in the Hash category

1999 Cannabis Cup: S.A.G.E. water hash takes 2nd highest THC level with over 46%

2000 Cannabis Cup: S.A.G.E. water hash takes 1st place in the hash category
2001 Cannabis Cup: S.A.G.E. takes 2nd place for best overall weed in the Press Cup, voted by the international press

2001 Cannabis Cup: S.A.G.E. rated highest Sativa by High Times writer Kyle Kushman.

2002 Cannabis Cup : The HOG, takes first place in the seed company Indica Cup

2003 Cannabis Cup : MK Ultra brings home another First place Indica trophee for T.H.Seeds

T.H Seeds est etabli depuis 1993. Notre idee premiere fut d'isoler et de stabiliser la qualite genetique venant des U.S.A et du reste du monde. Depuis 1995, notre quartier general se situe a HEMP WORKS dans le coeur d'Amsterdam. Avant cela nous etions situe a Ç C.I.A È(Cannabis In Amsterdam) que nous avions ouvert en 1993. Depuis le debut T.H Seeds s'est toujours base sur les " feedbacks " de ses clients, changeant et ameliorant la ligne de graines pour plaire a tous les planteurs. Nous sommes ravis que le coffeeshop Katsu ai gagne de nombreux prix avec notre genetique. Dans ce catalogue, vous trouverez nos 10 meilleures varietes, nous ne croyons pas a l'efficacite de faire un nouveau genre chaque semaine, mais plutot de maintenir et d'ameliorer ce que nous avons deja, ainsi vous avez le meilleur a chaque fois.